Anesthesia Malpractice


Anesthesia Mistakes Can Result in Deaths or Long-Term Injuries

There are very few people who feel no anxiety or reservations about undergoing surgery. One of the scariest aspects of getting an operation is being “put under.” The idea of being put to sleep and potentially never waking up is scary on its own, but it’s even more worrisome given the frequency with which anesthesia is to blame for surgical tragedies.

What Are an Anesthesiologist’s Responsibilities?

During a surgery, an anesthesiologist oversees monitoring and managing a patient’s ABCs. This acronym refers to airway, breathing and circulation. Mistakes can potentially take the form of failing to monitor these vital bodily functions. In many cases, doctors can take quick action to remedy the situation if a patient is struggling to breathe or has a blocked airway during surgery, but only if the anesthesiologist notices it in time.

Common Injuries Caused by Anesthesia Mistakes

  • Anaphylaxis (allergic reaction)
  • Stroke
  • Embolism
  • Hypoxia
  • Heart attack
  • Awareness during surgery
  • Cuts or other injuries to soft tissues (throat, gums, tongue or lips)
  • Hyperthermia

Certain injuries, such as being aware while under anesthesia, are much more likely when a patient is improperly monitored by the anesthesiologist. Although these injuries may not always rise to the level of malpractice or negligence, even if they are clearly attributable to the anesthesia, failure to monitor is a clear dereliction of duty.

Is Anesthesia Safe?

Yes – anesthesia is far more preferable to the alternative of either not having surgery or having procedures performed without anesthesia. Does anesthesia pose some risks? Definitely.

Are some patients allergic to anesthesia drugs or particular sensitive to them? Yes – and anesthesiologists need to take that into account, recognize something is wrong quickly and take steps to rectify the situation.

The truth is the improved longevity and healthcare outcomes of patients has a lot to do with anesthesia. Procedures that were simply impossible to do with antiquated pain management techniques can now be safely performed thanks to anesthesia.

Some fear mongering regarding anesthesia risks may cross the line into irresponsible, but it doesn’t change the fact that anesthesia does carry significant risks. Anesthesiologists are invested with a massive amount of responsibility. When they are negligent or make a mistake, patients can die.

If you or a loved one have suffered an adverse reaction to anesthesia or are still dealing with the trauma of an anesthesia error, you may be entitled to compensation. The team at the Buckeye Law Group are here to fight for you.

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Should You Consult with an Ohio Anesthesia Injury Lawyer?

If you’ve suffered an adverse reaction to anesthesia or a loved one’s death has been attributed to anesthesia, it may be worth your time to schedule a free consultation with an Ohio anesthesia lawyer by calling 1-800-411-PAIN. It costs you nothing to learn about your options.

It’s important for the sustainability of the medical profession and society’s trust in doctors that surgical teams are held accountable when mistakes are made. We know how painful these situations can be for families and are committed to providing thorough, compassionate representation.