Motorcycle riders are at a disadvantage when it comes to accidents. Car and truck drivers are encased in metal and shatter-resistant, tempered glass. They have seatbelts, airbags and vehicle shells designed to absorb and dissipate the blunt force of accidents to minimize injuries. Motorcyclists have no such protections. They’re sitting out in the open. Even seemingly minor vehicle collides can result in serious injuries for a rider.
There are still a lot of people in Ohio who think motorcycles are inherently dangerous and reckless vehicles. That bias means many people, including those who might sit on a jury, assume a person reckless enough to get on a motorcycle is likely reckless in how they operate their motorcycle.
This makes getting compensation a little more difficult for riders. Insurance companies know that riders are at a disadvantage during negotiations, and they’ll use those prejudices to their advantage.
Riders frequently suffer serious injuries in accidents and in many cases are hauled off in ambulances before they get to tell their side of the story. Police frequently rely solely on the car or truck driver for their accident report.
All these things combined often make it tough for injured riders to get the compensation they’re rightfully owed for accidents they didn’t cause.
At the Buckeye Law Group, we’re committed to justice and ethics in all things. Justice isn’t served when injured motorcyclists aren’t paid fair compensation for their injuries.
Riders are far more likely to suffer serious injuries or disabilities after crashes. They frequently have high medical costs and are often left unable to work due to their injuries. You might have trouble feeding your family and paying your everyday bills, not to mention your medical costs or motorcycle repairs or replacement.
Our team understands your frustration and anxiety. We’ll spare no expense or effort in determining what really happened in your accident. You can trust your Buckeye Law Group motorcycle lawyer to aggressively pursue the truth and the compensation you deserve.