Ohio Defective Products Attorney

Ohio Defective Product Lawyers

Fighting for People Injured by Dangerous Products

You have every right to assume the products you purchase from legitimate retail stores and websites are safe when used as instructed. When injuries or deaths result from the proper use of products, consumers have a right to compensation. Products can be unsafe for a variety of reasons, including manufacturing defects, inadequate warning labels, bad instructions or low-quality materials.

Strict Liability Versus Negligence

Defective product claims are governed by the doctrine of strict liability. This means plaintiffs do not need to prove the manufacturer, store where they purchased the product or distributor was negligent. All you need to prove in a strict liability claim is that your injury was caused by a product you purchased and used as intended.

Strict liability is different from traditional negligence claims, like auto accidents and premises liability claims, where the plaintiff needs to prove the defendant’s negligent actions were a direct cause of their injuries.

Can You File a Claim if Your Injury Was Caused by a Recalled Product?

Recalls can complicate personal injury claims if the manufacturer can show they made adequate efforts to inform purchasers of the dangers. However, there may be scenarios where you didn’t have adequate warning or did not receive notice of a recall in time to prevent the injury from occurring.

If you received and ignored a recall notice for your vehicle from the manufacturer, and you were subsequently injured by the defective component that was recalled, your claim may be more difficult.

What Are Some Examples of Defective Products?

Product defects usually fall into one of three categories:

  • Manufacturing defects: A product or component wasn’t properly assembled or was manufactured using low-quality components that were prone to breaking.
  • Design defects: Some aspect of a product’s design made it possible for users to suffer injuries, even when using the device as intended (or foreseeably).
  • Marketing defects: A product’s labels or instructions failed to inform purchasers or users of a product of proper use or potential risks. For example, if a pre-packaged food product contains nuts but isn’t properly labeled to inform consumers with nut allergies.

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Do You Have a Defective Product Case?

If you believe the injuries you suffered could have been prevented had the product you were using been manufactured or designed properly, or contained adequate instructions or warnings, you may have a legitimate defective product claim. It may be in your best interest to consult with a product liability attorney about your situation and options.

The Buckeye Law Group is committed to advocating for the rights of injured Ohio consumers. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-800-411-PAIN for a free case evaluation and consultation.