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Auto Accidents

Auto Accident Attorney in Cincinnati, OH

Cincinnati Auto Accident Lawyers

Fighting for People Injured in Ohio Car Crashes 

Are you in need of legal representation after suffering an injury in an auto accident? At the Buckeye Law Group, our attorneys have decades of combined experience helping clients seek justice and compensation for their auto accident injuries.

Our experienced auto accident injury lawyers understand the physical and emotional pain that comes with being injured in an auto accident. We will work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. You don’t have to face the insurance company on your own – our team is ready to help.

Car Accident Injury Lawyers

Car accidents involve the collision of two or more motor vehicles. These can result in serious injuries or fatalities, and often involve complex legal issues.

Truck Accident Injury Lawyers

Truck accidents are similar to car accidents but may result in greater damage due to the size and weight of trucks.

Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyers

Motorcycle accidents frequently occur when motorists do not look out for motorcycles on the roadway.  These crashes can result in devastating injuries.

Bike Accident Injury Lawyers

Bicycle accidents can be caused by drivers who fail to give bicyclists room on the road, resulting in severe injuries or even the death of cyclists.  

Bus Accident Injury Lawyers

Bus accidents can cause injuries to multiple people due to their large size and seating capacity, with potential liability falling on both bus operators and other motorists involved.

Pedestrian Accident Injury Lawyers

Pedestrian accidents happen when a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle while walking or crossing a street, often leading to life-altering injuries or death.

Railroad Accident Injury Lawyers

Railroad accidents are unique in that they may involve complex federal laws governing railroad operations, as well as liabilities shared between railroads, passengers, contractors and equipment manufacturers.

Common Causes of Car Accidents 

Drunk Driving Crashes

A person who is impaired by drugs or alcohol may be unable to make safe decisions or react quickly in an emergency situation. This can both increase the likelihood of them causing an accident and lead to more serious injuries, since the driver's decision-making process is compromised compared to a sober person.

While drunk driving accidents have decreased in recent decades, they’re still responsible for an unconscionable volume of serious injury and fatality car crashes in Ohio. It’s vital these drivers are held accountable for their decisions. One of the ways the legal system provides is via punitive damages, which are only available via a lawsuit brought by the injured person or their family.

Distracted Driving Crashes

Distracted driving is inherently dangerous. It takes the driver's attention away from the task of driving, which can lead to slower reaction times and potentially cause accidents. Distracted driving includes any activity that diverts a person's attention away from the primary task of driving. Examples of distracted driving include texting while behind the wheel, using a cell phone or smartphone, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, grooming, reading maps or navigation systems, watching videos, adjusting a radio or other entertainment device, and using other electronic devices. The potential for accidents resulting from distracted driving is very serious.

According to statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2020 alone there were 3,142 people killed and an estimated 400,000 injured due to distracted drivers in motor vehicle crashes on U.S. roads.

Young drivers are especially vulnerable to distractions as they are more likely to be engaged with their cell phones while operating a vehicle than older drivers. Furthermore, research has indicated that even hands-free devices can still be significantly distracting for motorists due to cognitive distractions such as multitasking between activities like talking on the phone and trying to focus on traffic conditions.

Red Light and Stop Sign Accidents

Stopping on red and at stop signs is an obvious responsible driving behavior most people have no issues following. It’s why these accidents tend to leave little doubt as to culpability, unless there’s no evidence of what happened and the driver who ran the stop sign or red light isn’t honest about who is responsible.

Uber and Lyft Accidents

There are some unique challenges facing passengers or other drivers involved in a rideshare accident. Contract drivers working through rideshare apps do have extra liability coverage when they’re actively on the application or driving customers, but there are a variety of exceptions and loopholes that may interfere with your ability to collect the damages you should be rightfully owed.

Our attorneys have extensive experience with these types of rideshare accident cases. We’ll aggressively fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve. 

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Get Help After All Types of Auto Accidents in Cincinnati 

Being injured in a serious car accident is one of the most disruptive things that can happen to a person or family. In an instant everything about your life can change. You might be saddled with significant out-of-pocket medical costs, be forced to pay for expensive vehicle repairs or replacement and be kept out of work for weeks, months or potentially permanently.

Many people suffer catastrophic, life-changing injuries that forever limit their mobility and prevent them from living life to the fullest.

One of the most frustrating aspects of car accidents is they didn’t need to happen. If the at-fault driver had simply acted appropriately, you would never have ended up in this situation. It’s important you aren’t forced to pay for the negligent driver’s mistake. The team at the Buckeye Law Group is here to fight for the recover you deserve. Call us today at 1-800-411-PAIN.

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