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Auto Accidents

Dayton Auto Accident Attorney

DAYTON Auto Accident Lawyers

Fighting for People Injured in Ohio Car Crashes

Any car accident is inherently disruptive and, at a minimum, extraordinarily inconvenient. In the best circumstance you’ll need to go to a body shop and likely be without a car for at least a few days (probably longer). You may also have out of pocket costs if the other driver isn’t taking accountability or you want to avoid filing an insurance claim.

Unfortunately, many Dayton car accidents involve more than just property damage. Serious injuries and fatalities are all too common when vehicles collide on our roads and highways. Costs ranging from lost wages and medical bills to emotional trauma and suffering from permanent disabilities can exceed the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

People who were not at fault should not be expected to bear these costs – it’s why every driver is required to carry liability insurance. Insurance companies apparently don’t see it that way. Despite their mandate to pay for the damages their policyholders cause, it’s clear from the way injured people are treated that the insurance company is primarily in the business of rationalizing negligence or twisting reality to put the blame on injured people.

At the Buckeye Law Group, we’re committed to ensuring our clients aren’t taken advantage of and that the people who cause crashes are the ones who pay for medical costs, lost wages and pain and suffering. We’ll fight tirelessly to ensure the person or business responsible for your car wreck is the one who pays for the losses and injuries you’ve suffered. 

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Types of Auto Accident Claims We Negotiate and Litigate 

Car Accidents

Every year, car accidents account for a significant number of personal injury claims. If you have been injured in such an accident, we understand the pain, loss and financial burdens that you are experiencing. Our firm excels at investigating and holding accountable those who cause car accident injuries, including those caused by reckless driving, speeding or defective vehicle parts. We are dedicated to advocating for our clients and helping them recover the compensation they deserve to cover the many expenses they incur after being injured in crashes.

Truck Accidents

Truck accidents often result in severe injuries due to the massive size and weight of these vehicles. The causes of truck accidents are often unique to these vehicles and the jobs of their drivers. They may be caused by truck driver fatigue, improper maintenance or overloaded cargo. The Buckeye Law Group has in-depth knowledge of federal trucking regulations and industry practices, and we are adept at determining liability, whether it resides with the truck driver, trucking company or manufacturer.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents frequently result in serious injuries or fatalities due to the exposed nature of riders. Motorcycle accident causes can range from poor road conditions, inattentive drivers or defective safety gear to drunk driving and driver misjudgments about a rider’s distance and speed. Our team is skilled at documenting crashes, interpreting evidence, dealing with insurance companies and advocating for the rights of motorcyclists injured in motorcycle wrecks.

Bicycle Accidents

It can be argued that pedestrians and bicyclists are the most vulnerable people on modern roadways. They lack any significant protection (other than helmets), which is why bicyclists often suffer significant injuries when involved in accidents with motor vehicles. Our firm has experience handling cases that involve right-of-way violations, dooring accidents and other forms of negligence. We advocate for the rights of injured bicyclists and are committed to ensuring they receive full and fair compensation for their injuries.

Bus Accidents

Bus accidents can be complex due to the involvement of multiple parties and potential government entities. Whether your injury involves a city bus, school bus or private charter, our firm possesses the expertise to navigate these complexities, determine liability and pursue the appropriate compensation for your injuries.

Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving accidents, often caused by texting, reading or posting on social media, talking with friends or dealing with children or other passengers, are increasingly common on Ohio roads. These crashes often result in catastrophic injuries that require extensive emergency medical care and rehabilitation. Our firm is adept at using phone records, eyewitness testimonies and other evidentiary means to prove distraction and secure compensation for victims of these preventable accidents.

Drunk Driver AccidentsEmpty heading

Despite greater knowledge of the risks and some progress in reducing the rates of drunk driving, people still do it regularly. Unfortunately, drunk driving is still one of the leading causes of serious injury and fatal auto accidents. If you've been injured by a drunk driver, our car crash lawyers will aggressively pursue your case to hold the responsible party accountable and ensure you receive compensation for medical bills, loss of income and pain and suffering.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians have the right of way in many situations, but negligent or reckless drivers often fail to yield, striking walkers and causing severe or even fatal injuries. There are some common misconceptions about pedestrian accidents – like what the rights are of pedestrians who jaywalk. The fact is there are absolutely no scenarios in which it’s ok for a driver to strike a pedestrian. Our firm is committed to fighting for the rights of injured pedestrians and their families, using witness statements, surveillance footage and other evidence to build a strong case. We also know how to investigate hit and runs and identify at-fault drivers. 

Railroad Accidents

Railroad accidents can involve complex legal issues due to multiple potential liable parties and the difficulty in proving the injured driver wasn’t at fault. Whether your case involves a collision, derailment or improper safety procedures, we will meticulously investigate the circumstances and aggressively pursue the best outcome for you. If you’re worried you can’t prove a railroad accident wasn’t your fault, give us a call. We may be able to help.

Red Light Accidents

Running a red light is a dangerous traffic violation that can result in severe injuries or death. If you were injured by a driver who ignored a red light, our Dayton car crash law firm will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries, property damage and any other related expenses. 

Stop Sign Accidents

Failing to stop at stop signs can lead to T-bone or head-on collisions, often resulting in serious injuries. Our firm is experienced in investigating these incidents, determining fault and advocating for victims to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve.

Uber & Lyft Accidents

Rideshare accidents, involving Uber or Lyft, present unique legal challenges due to the involvement of corporate entities and their insurance providers. We have experience navigating these complexities to hold the responsible parties accountable, whether it's the rideshare driver, the company or another driver. The laws governing coverage in rideshare crashes can be complex, and it can be helpful to work with an attorney who understands how to best advocate for your interests. 

Uninsured & Underinsured Drivers

When an accident is caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver, obtaining compensation can be challenging. Our Dayton car crash lawyers can explore all available options, including looking for ways your own insurance coverage may be able to help you cover costs. We take pride in helping people find compensation for their injuries and losses, even when there isn’t an obvious and easy path to recovery for injuries and losses.

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Were You Hurt in a Dayton Auto Accident?

At the Buckeye Law Group, our commitment is to you, the injured party. No matter the circumstances of your auto accident, we are prepared to fight for justice on your behalf. If you want to work with a local law firm that puts clients first, call our team at


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