knee replacement


We Help Patients in Ohio with Injuries Caused by Failed Knee Replacements

Knee replacement surgeries are inherently invasive and traumatic procedures. Patients will require months of recovery and physical therapy even after a properly performed and successful procedure.

No one who goes through a knee replacement surgery is in a hurry to repeat the experience. Unfortunately, thousands of patients are subjected to exactly that due to knee replacement device failures.

The cause of knee replacement failures varies depending on the devices and the unique circumstances of each patient’s procedure. Common reasons include things like:

  • Metal or plastic debris from components rubbing against each other in the body
  • Allergic reactions to the foreign materials
  • Disintegration of the device (also referred to as osteolysis)
  • Loosening of components
  • Corrosion

Patients may also experience life-threatening medical emergencies due to a knee implant, like cancer or blood clots.

What Are Some Common Knee Replacement Risks?

Common problems that may necessitate knee replacement revision surgery include:

  • Infections caused by the device
  • Inflammation and swelling in the knee or leg
  • Nerve damage
  • Artificial knee misalignment
  • Reduced range of motion or knee instability

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What Should You Do if You Suspect Knee Failure?

Whether you are eligible for compensation after experiencing adverse effects of knee replacement procedure may depend on a variety of factors. The length of your post-revision recovery, the severity of your symptoms and the long-term impact on your health and quality of life can influence the outcome of your claim.

The team at the Buckeye Law Group has represented many clients with knee replacement claims. We understand these complex cases and will aggressively advocate on your behalf.

Call us at 1-800-411-PAIN for a free case evaluation.